We're having a scavenger hunt! Be the first to identify the owners of the photos below and you will win our Cupcake Valentine kitchen towels. Here's how it works... I've taken a piece of a banner from 5 of our regular sellers. If you can identify them, leave a comment and tell me, 1 through 5, whose banners these photos belong to. The first one to get all 5 correct (in order) wins! Contest begins 1/16/09 at 6:00 a.m. Central Time...
new to blogging but enjoyed your blog. will try to identify at another time.
Hi ` I have had a great time visiting all of the shops and blogs on Friday Flea Market. I love the "Scavenger Hunt" for this week. Each shop and blog has some really pretty things. So here's my guess!
1. Rosey Little Things.
2. Shabby Boutique
3. Kate's Rose Cottage
4. Mimi's Rose Chenille Boutique
5. My Petite Maison
This was great fun, thanks for doing it! Mimi
I won! I can't wait to get these cute Cupcake Towels! The Scavenger Hunt was a great opportunity to see all the lovely blogs and shops I am a member with! Thanks Polly, it was great fun!
I to late ..But, What a great idea!!
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